802 Park Ave.

35.993128, -78.876756

Cross Street
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(Below in italics is from the 2004 National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

Large 2-story side-gable roof house with weatherboard, 8-over-1 sash windows, and a front shed section that may have originally been a porch. The house has been conveJted to a: duplex, and the shed section is enclosed as rooms, with a corner recessed porch on one side and a door on the other. Some picture windows have been added. A finely laid fieldstone wall with 2 gates encloses the comer yard. 1930 CD: John T. Sally, owner/occupant (bldg. contractor). 1940-1945 CDs: Raymond A. Sorrell owner/occupant. 1937 SM shows a full 1-story porch.

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