217 Nelson Street

35.972987779361, -78.904270034542

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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Photograph taken by Cheri Szcondronski, National Historic Register Submission, January 2018  

This one-story, front-gabled duplex is four bays wide and four-pile with German-profile weatherboards, vinyl windows, and exposed rafter tails. It has a rectangular vent in the front gable and three interior brick chimneys. A six-panel door on the left (west) end of the façade and a replacement door on the right (east) end are each sheltered by a two-bay-wide, front-gabled porch supported by square wood columns with replacement wood decking and railings. The earliest known occupants are William Robinson, a latheworker, and his wife, Bertha Robinson, in 1935. Located on the same tax parcel as the adjacent house at 215 Nelson, and nearly identical in form and detail, the house was likely constructed by the same person as rental housing for working-class residents.

The Robinson family owns the property and it has remained rental property as well.

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