1011 Gloria Ave.

36.003201, -78.909239

Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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01.30.13 (DC Tax Photo)

(Below in italics is from the 1984 National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

Duke University mathematics professor W.W. Rankin supervised the construction of this two-story brick house which he built as his own residence in the early 1920s.    Its Colonial Revival style design is evident in the heavy denticulated cornice with returns, one- story attached Tuscan entrance porch surrrounted by Chippendale style balustrade, the center hall plan, and the handsorre denticulated crown molding throughout the first story interior. The interior also features a graceful staircase with rrolded rail and turned balusters, tall ceilings, large butler's pantry, servant's quarters, and a speaking tube from kitchen to master bedroom above.

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