Rufus Powell House

36.002489, -78.910299

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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Rufus Powell House, 1980 (DHAI)

(Below in italics is from the 1984 National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

The combination of pedimented gables, Ionic porch columns, multiple rooflines, polygonal bays and intricately leaded entrance surround reflect the 1900s construction date of this Neo-Colonial house. The seven-room house has been expanded with two additions to the rear. Rufus Powell, a "captain" with the Durham-Oxford Railroad, had the house built for himself and his family.    Around 1950 the Calvary Methodist Church acquired the property and traded it for the Tyson property adjacent to the church on E. Trinity Ave. To aid in the trade the church· converted the Powell House into one large dwelling unit and several smaller ones so that Mrs. Tyson could rent rooms to patients of Dr. Kempner's rice diet clinic (originally headquartered directly across Lamond Ave.). The house has been re-converted to single-family dwelling, and has been re-converted to commercial use.

Rufus Powell House, 03.13.10 (Photo by Gary Kueber)

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