Preserve Durham's History with a Donation to Open Durham Today! is dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich history of our community. Run by our parent nonprofit, Preservation Durham, the site requires routine maintenance and upgrades. We do not ask for support often (and you can check the box to "hide this message" in the future), but today, we're asking you to chip in with a donation toward annual maintenance of the site. Your support allows us to maintain this valuable resource, expand our archives, and keep the history of Durham accessible to everyone.
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Submitted by sandra gray (not verified) on Wed, 3/5/2008 - 2:00am
My mother is Juliette Rattlade. This was her father's Grocery Store. We would like to talk to anyone that remembers the store and the family during. We can be contacted at:
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 3/5/2008 - 12:00pm
I am Harry Rattelade and this store belonged to my grandparents. I use to visit in the summer. I would carry grocery orders to people in the neighborhood, play with the kids that lived there and eat the best bologna sandwiches ever. I would like to share any info that anyone might have about this store and the people that went there. My e-mail is:
Submitted by Gary (not verified) on Wed, 3/5/2008 - 12:44pm
Sandra, Harry
Thanks so much for stopping by, and for sharing your memories of the store. Feel free to comment or email me with any other stories about the store so that they can become a part of the recorded history of this spot.
Many thanks
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 3/11/2008 - 10:28am
Greetings, David Rattelade here. I have fond memories of this store as a young boy. We delivered groceries, stocked the coolers and observed with interest the interaction of the neighbors and American Tobacca Co. workers. Grand Ma made sandwiches to order. Locals had beer and conversation in the "back room". Customers signed for provisions and settled at the end of the month! Store was kind of a "social gathering" place. A diverse economic client base provided insights beyond it's physical structural simplicity.
Submitted by Gary (not verified) on Tue, 3/11/2008 - 12:38pm
Thanks David - wonderful memories to help flesh out the story of this great little gathering place. I appreciate you sharing them. Would that we still had it and other neighborhood grocery stores/sandwich shops. Well, at least that the ones we had sold more than lottery tickets, doritos, and Colt 45.
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