912 Exum St.

35.997526, -78.918421

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
Local ID
State ID
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This one-story, side-gabled Minimal Traditional duplex is four-bays wide and triple pile. The house has a shared front-gabled porch supported by square wood columns with simple capitals on a concrete slab floor. There is fascia molding around the roof and vertical wood sheathing in the front gable. The house is covered with a brick veneer and has triangular vents in the gable ends and a central brick chimney. Windows are original multi-light metal casement windows and are shaded by louvered metal awnings. Side entrances to each unit are protected by small gabled hoods cantilevered from the side of the house, without posts for support. Tax records date the house to 1949 and its architecture is consistent with buildings from this period.

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