606 N. Queen St.

35.997089, -78.894103

Cross Street
Year built
Year(s) modified
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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(Below in italics is from the 1984 National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

This typical triple-A-roofed house has clearly evolved over time, possibly with the addition of an entire second house to the rear. The main, front block is a one-story, side-gabled duplex with two entrance porches on the front elevation. The house is three bays wide and single-pile with a painted brick pier and concrete block foundation, asbestos siding, and an asphalt-shingled roof. The house has a mixture of two-over-two and six-over-six wood windows and gable returns with boxed cornices and triangular vents. The two hip-roofed front porches are supported by replacement square posts with replacement modern rails. A shed-roofed, rear addition initially extended across the entire elevation (as evidenced in the 1913 Sanborn map) and has two-over- two windows and a brick chimney. Now, a gabled rear ell intersects that block and extends from the right (south) side with a shed-roofed porch within the ell.

Attached to the left rear (northeast) corner of the house is a small gabled block that connects to a second side-gable house. This Minimal Traditional three-bay, double-pile house faces Primitive Street and has a small gabled entry porch supported by slender wood posts. The house has a concrete block foundation, one- over-one vinyl windows, vinyl siding, and an asphalt-shingled roof with interior brick chimney. The combined houses have a total of six entrances and contain at least three separate apartment units.

One of the earliest remaining houses on N. Queen Street, the front portion of this house, the Mrs. Mattie Horton House appears on Sanborn maps as early as 1913. Originally constructed as a single-family home, it was occupied by Mrs. Mattie F. Horton and Miss Anna E. Horton in 1915. By 1937, the Sanborn maps show the house as a duplex and by 1950 the extra house was added to the rear.

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