1901 Hart St.

35.984346, -78.8803

Cross Street
Year built
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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(Below in italics is from the 2004 East Durham National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

2-story side-gable I-House with a front cross-gable, with asbestos siding, replacement sash windows, and a rear shed addition.  The shed front porch has Craftsman posts. The interior was remodelled in the 1930s-`940s period, but retains a handsome Victorian staircase and several ornate mantels. This may have been built as a superintendent's house for a nearby mill. A fire damaged the rear section and it is now condemned. 1913 SM. 1930-1935 CDs: Frank Connor occupant (travelling salesman).1940 CD: Roy Bailey owner/occupant.

C Garage. Ca. 1930. Front-gable garage with weatherboard and exposed rafter tails.


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