1504 Fayetteville Street – George W. Cox House

35.979541, -78.900149

Year built
Year(s) modified
Construction type
Local historic district
National Register
Building Type
Local ID
State ID
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This one-story, side-gabled house is three bays wide and four-pile with a full-width, shed-roofed rear ell. The house has projecting shed-roofed bays on the north and south elevations. It has a continuous brick foundation and veneer, an exterior brick chimney on the south elevation, and purlins in the gable ends. All of the window openings have been boarded, but the front door, a hollow-core door with three small lights, is visible. The front-gabled porch has vinyl siding in the gable, a terra cotta-tiled floor, and is supported by wood posts on brick piers. The decorative metal railing has an M motif centered in each span. County tax records date the building to 1920; the earliest known occupant is George W. Cox (agency director, N C Mutual Life Insurance Company) in 1925.

Garage, c. 1925 – Front-gabled, frame, one-car garage has plywood sheathing, a one-over-one window and plywood doors on the façade, and weatherboard siding in the gable.

1504 Fayetteville Street, August 2022.
Remodeled 1504 Fayetteville Street, August 2022 (N. Levy).

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