127 Masondale Avenue

35.975540482059, -78.906142223626

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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Photograph taken by Heather Slane, National Historic Register Submission, January 2018


This one-and-a-half-story, side-gabled Period Cottage is three bays wide and triple-pile with a projecting, front-gabled entrance bay centered on the façade. The house has a brick veneer, flush eaves, and replacement slider and double-hung vinyl windows, including fixed windows that wrap the front corners of the house, likely replacing metal-framed windows common throughout the district. A two-light-over-four-panel door has a classical surround with flat pilasters and is located in an asymmetrical, front-gabled bay with a single window in the gable and an exterior brick chimney to its left (west). The left two bays of the façade are sheltered by a flat-roofed metal porch on a combination of square and decorative metal posts. There is a paired window in the left gable and two single windows in the right (east) gable. County tax records date the house to 1951 and the earliest known occupants are Jamin R. Peddy, who worked at the heating and cooling plant at North Carolina Central University, and his wife, Norma Peddy, a nurse, in 1955.

According to county deed records, C.C. Spaulding, Charlotte Spaulding, E.R. Merrick and his wife, Lyda Y. Merrick, R.L. McDouglad and his wife, Dorothy McDougald sold the lot to Jamin R. Peddy on May 29, 1941.  Jamin R. Peddy and his wife, Norma, built and moved into the house in 1951.  Mr. Peddy is the son of William H. Peddy and Sarah J. Peddy who lived at 125 Masondale Avenue.  

The Peddy family lived in the house for nearly a half-century, selling to the present owners in early 1998.

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