Fuller, William W.

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From the New York Times, 02.12.1895

W.W. Fuller to Become Attorney for the American Tobacco Company

RALEIGH, N.C., Feb. 11 - Will W. Fuller of Durham, N.C., who has for several years been in receipt of the largest income received by any lawyer in the State, has accepted an offer to go to New York as the chief attorney of the American Tobacco Company, at a salary of $50,000.

Mr. Fuller is a son of Judge T.C. Fuller, now of the United States Land Court, who was the leading counsel of the Blackwell Tobacco Company in a long litigation over its trade-mark. Mr. Fuller was associated with his father in this and other coporation litigations. Recently much of his time has been devoted to import business for the Duke branch of the American Tobacco Company. 

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