916 Rome Ave.

36.000263, -78.916494

Year built
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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(Below in italics is from the 2009 National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

This one-story, side-gabled house is three-bays wide and single pile with a gabled rear ell on the left side and a shed-roofed addition to the rear of the ell. The front-gabled porch is supported by replacement square posts on a concrete slab floor. The house retains an original standing-seam metal roof, but has been covered with vinyl siding and has one-over-one replacement windows. The house is identical in form to 918 and 920 Rome. It appears on the 1913 Sanborn map, but the earliest known occupant is F. J. Cody (cutter, Sharp Marble and Granite Company) in 1919.

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