1309 Carroll St. - Carroll Farmhouse

35.986406, -78.91645

Year built
Year(s) modified
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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The design and siting of this house indicate its original role as the nuucleus of the Carroll farm which occupied much of the immediately surrounding area in the second half of the 19th century. Set back on its lot perpendicular to Carroll Street, named for the earliest known owners of this house, the dwelling evidently was erected prior to the cutting of the street and platting of the residential building lots. The simple basic house type - a single pile with a rear ell and a triple A roofline - is charcteristic of the earliest housing at this north edge of Forest Hills, which pre-dates the 1920s development.

Originally, the main entrance was located in the center of the facade covered by the shed roofed porch suported with turned posts. Access to attic rooms was provided by a small enclosed stairway. In 1959, the owner moved the main entrance next to the exterior chimney in the gable facing the street and rmoved the interior staircase.


the house is a very special place in my past, bonnie, cherrie, great neighbors , great friends, hope you are doing well,

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