North Dormitory / Alspaugh (1902-1926)

36.007099, -78.914389

Year built
Year(s) modified
Year demolished
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Rendering, 1902

Alspaugh, looking north, 1907.

North Dormitory was built in 1902 to expand housing for male undergraduates. It was called North Dormitory until 1912, when it was renamed Alspaugh in honor of Colonel Alspaugh, at the time the oldest living alumnus of Trinity College (1855) and evidently a large financial contributor to the college.


Alspaugh remained a dormitory until 1927, when it was deconstructed and moved to Kittrell College, Kittrell, NC. It was destroyed by fire in 1972.

A dormitory on the post-1927 campus, originally named Dormitory #2, was named for Alspaugh in 1930.

Site of North Dormitory / 'Original Alspaugh' in Durham, August, 2010.

Location of 'Original Alspaugh' on Google


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