Norris-Brintle Duplex

35.997735, -78.919398

Cross Street
Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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State ID
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From the National Register of Historic Places: Burch Avenue Historic District

This one-story, front-gabled duplex is four bays wide and triple pile. It rests on a high brick pier and curtain wall foundation and has four interior brick chimneys. The hip-roofed front porch is supported by tapered wood posts on painted brick piers with a replacement railing. The house retains original molded weatherboards and a pair of four-light windows flanking a louvered vent in the front gable. The windows and front doors are modern replacements. The building is nearly identical in form and detail (including a matching gable window and vent) to the house across the street at 1000-1002 Burch, indicating that they may have been constructed by the same person. It does not appear on the 1937 Sanborn map; the earliest known residents are W. Clarence Norris (clerk, Advance Stores Co.) with his wife, Kathleen, and Joseph H. Brintle (clerk) with Elizabeth in 1940.

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