James And Dorothy Lore House, 1976

35.948472, -78.951219

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James and Dorothy Lore House

3134 Cornwall Road, 1976, Noncontributing Building

Two-story, side-gabled, brick Colonial Revival house with corner quoins, centered front entrance with paneled door and sidelights in surround with fluted pilasters and dentil molding, single-story sidegabled wing at west end, and double-shouldered brick exterior chimney at west end of wing; 6/6 replacement sash.

This home, built during one of the 1970's "energy crisis'" was one of the first energy efficient homes.  It's construction included smaller windows, that were double glazed, extra insulation, a thick brick exterior, and other enhancements to make it energy efficient at time when most Americans were just beginning to think about such ideas.

Mr. Lore was the local Datsun automobile dealer, his dealership was called Holiday Imports and was located near Mike Rubish's Golf World across 15-501 from Howard Johnson's.  He also sold English imports.

Storage Building

3134 Cornwall Road, 1976, Noncontributing Building

One-story storage building with hip roof, brick exterior, and two single-leaf paneled doors stands northwest of the house in rear yard.


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