830 Burch Ave.

35.998329, -78.917037

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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(Below in italics is from the 2009 National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

This one-story, gable-and-wing house is two-bays wide and double pile. The gabled roof along the left side of the house extends over a rear ell, a shed-roofed modern addition behind the wing, and a second gabled addition beyond that lengthens the footprint. The house has two interior brick chimneys, one at the intersection of the gable and wing and one on the north side of the wing. A hip-roofed porch extends the width of the wing and is supported by tapered wood posts on brick piers. The house retains original wood weatherboards and molding, including boxed eaves, wood soffits and fascia boards, and cornice returns and rectangular vents in the gables. The windows are one-over-one replacement windows, but the original front door, a single-light over three-panel door, remains. The house has been recently renovated and the new gabled wing at the rear is not visible from the street and therefore does not detract from the historic integrity.

The house is named for William High (conductor) who lived in the house from the mid-1930s through the 1970s.

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