609 Primitive St.

35.996684, -78.8913

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
Local ID
State ID
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(Below in italics is from the Holloway District NR listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

The high, hipped roof of this three-bay, double-pile house sets it apart from the triple-A-roofed houses the line the street. The house rests on a stuccoed brick foundation, has been covered with asbestos siding, and has an asphalt-shingled roof with two tall interior corbelled brick chimneys. The shed-roofed engaged porch has a low gable, is supported by replacement wrought-iron supports on brick piers with concrete caps, and has a matching wrought-iron rail. Windows have been replaced with one-over-one vinyl sashes and are covered with metal grates. However, the original front door remains with a large pane over two-panel configuration and matching sidelights. The rear of the lot slopes down to expose the basement level and a gabled ell extends from the rear of the house with a shed-roofed block to its right (east). Residents changed frequently and included Miss Myrtle Downey and Madison Eakes in 1907, Herbert A. and Lilian F. Graves, William D. (laborer) and Veda Pope (laborer) in 1911, Joseph H. Lewis (clerk) in 1915, S. M. Murray (shipping clerk) in 1919. From 1924 to 1939, Dillie Johnson was the primary resident.

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