603 Dupree Street – William Ballentine House

35.977547, -78.899052

Year built
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
Local ID
State ID
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This one-story, hip-roofed brick house is two bays wide and double-pile with an engaged porch that wraps around the front and west sides of the house and a hip-roofed rear ell. The house has a painted brick foundation, four-over-one, double-hung wood sash windows with brick keystone headers, an original three-light-over-one-panel door, and an exterior chimney on the east elevation. The engaged porch is supported by three wide, brick columns and a hip-roofed dormer with vinyl siding is centered over the porch. The house is similar in form and detail to 601 Dupree and was likely also erected by the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. The house is listed as vacant in the 1930 city directory; the earliest known occupant is William Ballentine in 1935.















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