1107 Urban Ave.

36.00853, -78.911964

Year built
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Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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Summer 1993 (Photo by G. Kueber)

(Below in italics from the TP NR nomination)

Frame two-story, L-shaped house; central chimney, cross gable roof with pedimented gables and full-facade porch on plain box piers. Built late 1910s and first occupied by R.L. Holder, clerk with The Durham & Southern Railway Co.; he was succeeded here in the early 1930s by Major T. Cousins, a musician.

I (Gary) lived here for a summer after I graduated from Duke with ~5 other guys? Ah, Guy Solie houses. Renovated in the mid-2000s by Steve Ortmann

DC Tax Office, 09.24.2007

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